Player Information

Player Information:

Alumni Scholarship Fund & Golf Tournament

Saturday, October 15th, 2022

Held at Greencastle Greens Golf Club

Golf Ball

Player Registration Fee: $80

 Team of Four: $320 | 4 Player Scramble Format

Event Sponsored By: 

  • Continental Breakfast
  • Lunch
  • Door Prizes
  • Skills Contest

* Prize holes will be announced on golf day

* All prizes are for amateur golfers only

Registration begins at 7am | Shotgun starts at 8am

Register here

Make Checks Payable to: Alumni Association of FCCTC or

payment via cc (call Toni Parson) by 10/1/2022

Mail to: Tournament Director/Toni Parson;

FCCTC, 2463 Loop Road: Chambersburg, PA 17202

(717) 263-9033 ext. 234
